Culturally Responsive.

Therapy and Coaching

  • Through evidence-based practices including TF-CBT, Mindfulness, Motivational Interviewing, EMDR and Strength-Based modalities we can expand and understand the versions and narratives of self we look to develop. With emotional wellness support, we conjointly work to strengthen the sense of self, explore identities, enhance communication skills, identify stress management tools, explore life transitions and empower emotional expression and regulation.

    Mental health is not just how we feel, it is an embodiment of who we are and where we want to go. Through person-centered approaches and empowerment through your own narratives, we believe in the holistic healing of the mind, body, and spirit.

  • Invest in your relationship with yourself. We center on the intersectionality of experiences that contribute to your daily experience as it is within your power to create, manifest, and heal towards our desired wellness.

  • Clinical Supervision is a fundamental part of developing and growing as a clinician. Clinical supervision will help clinicians gain clinical supervision hours, support with case conceptualization, clinical approaches, niche development and clinical coaching.

  • Click here to book a consultation with one of our therapists.

Pregnancy and Birth Education

  • Your body. Your Choice. Our doulas serve a wide range of clients, including people going through high-risk or difficult pregnancies.

    We offer Birth, Postpartum, Antepartum, Abortion, Miscarriage, and Stillbirth doula services. No matter where you are in your reproductive decisions Rooted is here to provide you with non-judgemental support.

    Birth doulas provide a range of comfort measures during labor, including massages, assistance with relaxation techniques, birth plans, and more. They will equip you with the support and information needed to make informed decisions with health care providers.

    Postpartum doulas assist people who have just given birth Before, during, and after birth. Postpartum doulas provide lactation support, newborn care, physical healing, and emotional coping skills.

  • We offer virtual childbirth education classes.

    Our childbirth education course is a 6 session series. We discuss Information on labor, postpartum, lactation, newborn care, and resources on miscarriages, abortions, and stillbirths.

  • Rooted is working to disrupt the Black maternal and infant mortality crisis by offering free to low-cost doula services + therapy for Black birthing persons.

    Every day birthing persons of color are engaged in health systems that are not reflective of their lived experiences and are often discriminated against at every entry point to care. It's time we listen!

    Black women in the United States experience unacceptably poor maternal health outcomes, including disproportionately high rates of death related to pregnancy or childbirth. Regardless of socioeconomic status, Black women are less likely to obtain quality care.

    Hospitals that predominantly serve uninsured, underinsured, and BIPOC (Black Indigenous People of Color) populations tend to be under-resourced, have increased medicated births, unnecessary c-sections, and medically assisted births (forceps, episiotomies, vacuum, etc). Birthing persons served by these institutions tend to have an increased risk of pregnancy and birth-related complications that are often overlooked.

    This is a public health crisis.

  • Click here to book a consultation with one of our doulas/childbirth educators

Health Equity and DEI

  • Culture. Content. Consciousness.

    Impactful changes require more than clever diversity jargon and recycled thoughts. It takes culture, content, and consciousness to transform traditional models of care.

    We are committed to identifying areas of structural change to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion.

    We provide trainings, workshops, consultations, and tangible tools to advance equity in your workplace and personal lives.

    Are you ready to understand the importance of your employees’ intersecting identities, honor differences, and uncover the effects of systemic inequity entrenched in company cultures?

  • Click here to view a list of all of our partnerships

  • Click here to book a consultation and discuss your organizational needs with Anika and Kaniya.

“Culture. Content. Consciousness.

Impactful changes require more than clever diversity jargon and recycled thoughts.

It takes culture, content, and consciousness to transform traditional models of care

— Rooted

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.